Never underestimate a Polaris Seeker—you can’t navigate with the stars if you don’t have your head in the clouds.
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Polaris appears to us as a single point of light when it is, in fact, light from three stars: a distant triple-star system that aligns with Earth’s rotational axis above the north celestial pole.
The light from Polaris gives us a fixed point of reference, allowing us to explore undefined boundaries to re-orient our authentic selves and find our way home.
You don’t have to be an outlier to find Polaris.
But for some of us, it’s our only hope to move forward.
For Polaris Seekers, to r/evolve is to authentically carry our stories forward and to re/claim what has been predicted, planned, promised, expected or obliged.
By doing so, the past becomes a raw material to be mediated by present understandings, subject to the claims we stake on our future(s).
You can’t navigate with the stars if you don’t have your head in the clouds…